Chiesa di San Marco: accessibility

Chiesa di San Marco
Piazza San Marco, 2 20121

How to get there by public transport
Bus 43, 61, 94, M3 underground line (Turati).
For more information on transport accessibility, please visit the ATM website:


People with disability can park in the small square in front of the church. At 30 meters from the entrance it is available one parking space reserved for people with permits for citizens with disability, too. It is possible to park on the blue lines along Via Fatebenefratelli and along Via San Marco.
For more information on traffic and parking in Milan, please visit:


A path paved in concrete and pebbles leads to the churchyard. The main entrance has a double swing door (144 cm, always opened during entry times) and a second swing door (90 cm).


Signage guidance
Inside and outside the church there are directional arrows written in large letters (at least 7 cm) and well contrasted.


Accessibility for people with sensory disabilities
Inside the church it is present an informative panel (h 85 cm from the ground) with a short text in Italian, in English and in Braille, too. It is possible to orienteer inside the building thanks to a raised plan in the central part of the panel. A depiction of the overview of the façade integrates visual and tactile contents. A Frame QR Code or a NFC for smartphone allow to establish peer-to-peer radio communications: audio suitable for people with visual impairment and video with subtitles and translation of the texts in Lis (Italian Sign Language) suitable for people with acoustic impairment. It describes, after a short introduction about the building history, its structure, some artworks and its façade.


Interior spaces
The church has a Latin cross, composed of three naves and nine chapels. The naves are arranged with pews and chairs (seating for 500); to get to the choir it is necessary to overcome 3 steps (about 16 cm). The Cappella Foppa can be reached overcoming one step (15 cm), it contains pews and chairs (seating for 30); the Cappella della Pietà is free of obstacles. It is possible to get to the cloister directly from the outside through a side door (119 cm), the bottom is paved and disconnected. The Sacristy and the Museum (soil 2,5 cm) are accessible. For guided tours +39 02 29002598.



+39 02 29002598


+39 02 29002598


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