In this section you can find different reports, which provide a general picture of the business ecosystem in Milano. For example, in 2023 Milano counted 2,787 innovative startups, 19% of the national amount, ranking 2nd in Europe for fastest growing startups. 

Thanks to its blooming ecosystem, Milanese startups attracted 1.3 bln of VC investments in 2022. 


These and more data can be found within the reports below!

Milano Produttiva


Italian only

Digital Innovation Observatories

Report produced by the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano

Osservatorio Milano Report

The Milan Observatory is a tool, enabled by the Municipality of Milan and Assolombarda, aimed at measuring the attractiveness and competitiveness of Milan in international comparison, through selected indicators that can be updated over time.

Sifted Report

Startup Blink Ecosystem Ranking Reports

Your next Milano