The Italian National Health Service (SSN - Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) provides all citizens with free of charge, or at very reduced fares, healthcare services such general practitioner assistance, pharmaceutical coverage, specialist and hospital care. 

The very high quality standards of the Italian healthcare system, and the excellent infrastructures displaced on the Milan area, make a very good idea to get enrolled with the SSN, even though you already have a private health insurance. 


Students from European Union countries, the European Economic Area, and Switzerland:


Students from European Union countries, the European Economic Area, and Switzerland:

- if you stay in Italy for a short period: there are no formalities to take advantage of health services in the Lombardy region: in case you need a visit with a GP in agreement with the national health service, or to go to the hospital, show a valid ID, and the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC / TEAM) of the State of origin.

- if you settle in Italy for a longer period: you should register with the National Health Service. You can temporarily transfer your health coverage from your EU country to Italy to take advantage of Italian public healthcare like an Italian citizen, including a local general practitioner, by obtaining the S1 Form from your country of origin. Portable document S1 is issued by the competent authority in your country of origin and entitles you to transfer your health coverage in Italy for the period of your stay: start and expiry date are indicated on the form.

So our first tip is: if you are entitled to public health coverage in the EU, before coming to Milano for a long stay, remember to ask your local authorities to issue you the Europuen Health Insurance Card and the S1 Form for long stays. 

Please note: we are aware that often happens that students can't get an S1 form from their local authorities - according to the local policies or some other reason. In this case, you can can use EHIC during your stay as mentioned above, but as a temporary travel coverage it is not accepted to register as permanent resident in Milano.

EHIC is accepted as proof of healthcare coverage only for the registration as temporary resident with the EHIC.




You can voluntarily enroll in the SSN and benefit of its services, by paying a  fee:

Read our dedicated step-by-step guide to know more.

Register with your S1 form

you can register for free at the Italian NHS in person

Find the ASST office ("Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale" - it is the administrative entity that manages local health services) competent in the area where you reside. Areas of competence are based on the "Municipi" (Milano's administrative zones, often indicated with a number). Try to find out in which "Municipio" you live: ask your landlord, a neighbor, or any shop owner nearby... or look it up on this map.

  1. Find the location and timetable of the "Ufficio Estero" (this is the office that handles international procedures) of your local ASST office.  

    Ufficio Estero for residents in zone 3 or 4

    Ufficio Estero for residents in zones: 5-6-7

    Ufficio Estero for residents in zone 9

    Alternatively, you can look up and go to the "Scelta e Revoca" counters (these are the counters in charge of assigning a general practitioner to citizens) at your local ASST location. Uffici scelta e revoca in all zones.

  2. Send an e-mail to the ufficio estero nearest to you. the S1form scan, the ID/Passport scan, the Tax Code scan, the self-certification of domicile/residence scan and your choice of 3 GP doctors in your area to the ufficio estero nearest to you. 
    They will enroll you or invite you to an in-person appointment by writing to their e-mail. 


  3. In case you get an invitation to go in person, go to Ufficio Estero / Scelta e Revoca counter with a valid ID and Tax code in original - plus one photocopy of both - along with the S1 form and a self-certification of domicile/residence (in which you will self-assess your address in Milano). Bring also a shortlist of 3 GPs in your area to choose from.
  4. The office will retain the first sheet of the S1 and the photocopies and enroll you in the SSN. They will also assist you in choosing a local general practitioner from a list. They will issue you with a form called "Allegato 1" ("Annex 1") which must be shown as a health card at the time to request any health service.

Enrolment in the SSN is valid for one year from the date of application. Should you stay longer, you can follow this same procedure to renew the enrolment until the expiration date stated on the S1 form. 

Please note: if you need planned health treatment, e.g. for a chronic disease, you need to ask your local authority for S2 form - Authorisation to obtain planned treatment abroad.

Policies of some countries with regard to S1 form release

we asked EU countries health services about their policies on EHIC and  S1 Read some of their feedback