Business Events and Fairs- Fiera Milano 2020
Find out all the business event and Fairs in Milan scheduled for 2020

Milan is a never stopping business pole! The Event program of Fiera Milano provides for more that 40 business events and Fairs in 2020.
From Fashion and Design to automation engineering, in Milan you can find a business event for every discipline and field.
Have a look at the Fiera Milano Business Event Calendar 2020 and take the opportunity to enhance your business while discovering the liveliness and beauty of Milano.
4 - 6 February - Fieramilano
9 - 11 February - Fieramilanocity
15 - 18 February - Fieramilano
16 - 19 February - Fieramilano
16 - 19 February - Fieramilano
19 - 21 February - Fieramilano
19 - 21 February - Fieramilano
20 - 23 February - Fieramilanocity
26 - 28 February - Fieramilano
29 Feb - 2 Mar - Fieramilano
6 - 8 March - Fieramilanocity
13 - 15 March - Fieramilano
17 - 20 March - Fieramilano
MCE – Mostra convegno expocomfort
17 - 20 March - Fieramilano
17 - 19 April - Fieramilanocity
17 - 20 April - Fieramilanocity
21 - 26 April - Fieramilano
15 - 18 May - Fieramilanocity
20 - 23 May - Fieramilano
26 - 28 May - Fieramilanocity
26 - 29 May - Fieramilano
7 - 9 July - Fieramilano
5 - 8 September - Fieramilanocity
19 - 22 September - Fieramilano
19 - 22 September - Fieramilano
20 - 23 September - Fieramilano
20 - 23 September - Fieramilano
24 - 27 September - Fieramilanocity
30 Sep - 2 Oct - Fieramilano
9 - 10 October - Fieramilanocity
14 - 17 October - Fieramilano
20 - 22 October - Fieramilanocity
22 - 24 October - Fieramilanocity
22 - 24 October - Fieramilano
EICMA - Esposizione Internazionale Ciclo e Monociclo
3 - 8 November - Fieramilano
20 - 22 November - Fieramilano
20 to 22 November - Fieramilanocity
28 Nov - 8 Dec - Fieramilano