Emilio Vedova

Emilio Vedova abstract expressionism Exhibition at Palazzo Reale

Palazzo Reale
Piazza del Duomo, 12

From 6 December 2019 to 9 February 2020,  the Emilio Vedova exhibition opens to the public at Palazzo Reale , one of the most important exhibitions ever dedicated to one of the most authoritative Italian artists of the 20th century, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth.

Emilio Vedova was a revolutionary Italian artist whose abstract expressionism fused politics with wild, sensuous painting.

The project and the layout see the spectacular Sala delle Cariatidi  as an ideal exhibition place, offering an unusual key to expressing the artist's artistic language. The exhibition, focused on two decisive periods for the evolution of Vedova's pictorial thought (the 60s and 80s) offers, both on the wall and on the floor, about 70 works , some of which of imposing dimensions, including the famous Absurdes Berliner Tagebuch '64 which can be seen fully exhibited.

The intent of the exhibition is to bring out, thanks to the strong scenographic component of the environment, the innovative and radical aspects of the language that Vedova gave to modern and contemporary art, comparing his works from the 1960s (paintings and sculptures, such as the Plurimi cycle ) , with large canvases and Disks , installed on the floor, from the 1980s.

Opening times

Opening times:


Lunedì: 14.30-19.30
Martedì, mercoledì, venerdì e domenica: 09.30-19.30
Giovedì e sabato: 09.30-22.30


Ultimo ingresso un’ora prima della chiusura.

Ticket information

Ticket information:


Ingresso gratuito

Public transport

Public transport:


Linea gialla M3 e linea rossa M1 – fermata Duomo


Linee 2, 3, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19 – fermata Duomo
Linee 24 e 27 – fermata Piazza Fontana


Linea 54 – fermata Duomo M1 M3


Stazioni 1 Duomo, 64 Diaz, 83 Rastrelli Larga, 102 Arcivescovado



Disabled access


+39 02 884 45181


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