Overture - the La Scala Philharmonic orchestra in courtyards

The Filarmonica della Scala tunes in again with free concerts over three days

Luoghi vari

Can you imagine listening to concerts from the magnificent orchestra that accompanies all the Teatro alla Scala performances in a place close to home and free of charge? Yes, it’s all true!


From June 26th to 28th the Filarmonica della Scala will restart after the lockdown with a series of 24 free concerts in the most beautiful courtyards of Milano. One single orchestra, 8 ensembles who will perform in 8 courtyards brought together by numerous simultaneous sunset performances for three evenings at 19:30.

From Casa Atellani to the Università Statale Cloisters, the Mare Culturale Urbano, the Salesiani Cloisters in via Copernico, the Certosa di Milano and Villa Litta Modigliani - music finds its way into the treasures of hidden Milano, the internal courtyards, the Liberty villas and the historic buildings that narrate the city’s cultural heritage.


Click here to check out the programme, select your favourite venue and concert and book your place!

Free admission subject to availability. Limited places, reservations required.


But if you can't make it to the live performance, you can opt for the live streaming every evening from one of the concert venues on the Philharmonic website and on social media (Instagram - Facebook - Youtube).

The event is part of the ‘Aria di culture’ schedule of summer events in Milano.

Opening times

Opening times:



Ticket information

Ticket information:


Free admission. Limited places, reservations required

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