Get Tested, stay healthy

where and how to check on HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Taking the HIV and other STDs tests regularly is a good self-care habit, beneficial on yourself and the others, that should always be maintained even when you're with a partner.

Luckily, tests and medical advice are available in several locations in Milano, both for pay or for free. Some services are totally free, open to everybody..

Take away any doubts, and find out where to get tested and ask for advice!

Ambulatorio MTS

Viale Jenner 44

The Public health service provides a comprehensive facility on sexually transmitted diseases. Medical counseling, testing, and treatment are offered.

Access to the center is FREE, from Monday to Friday, from 8.15 to 12.15. (Please note that access availability is limited).

For support, advice, and further information on risky behaviors, or in the event of discomfort and difficulties in the sexual sphere, you can contact the e-mail:

TIP Look for a small door on the street art wall with the sign: ASST città metropolitana MILANO – Ambulatorio MTS, Viale Jenner 44

Arcigay, Lila associations

Arcigay – LGBTQ+ association, offers a walk-in HIV rapid test, for free and anonymously. Syphilis test is also available. A volunteer doctor and a volunteer counselling operator will be available for information and support.

Every Wednesday 16:00 to 20:00 at Milano Checkpoint → Via Pergolesi 15, Milano  intercom:.17


Lila - AIDS association, Via Carlo Maderno, 4 - 20136 Milano
offers free tests for HIV, HCV and Syphilis. 

Every first and third Thursday  10:00 to 19:30.
Get an appointment by mail (write name surname, mobile and the day for the appointment)

Ospedale San Paolo

Free testing and medical counselling are available at Hospital Ospedale San Paolo Via A. di Rudinì 8


Centro M.T.S. CAVE

Via Pace 9 building 3

at Centro per le Malattie a Trasmissione Sessuale del Policlinico di Milano Free testing and care.  

From Monday to Friday. Free access starting 8am, on an availability base.


Ospedale Sacco

Via G.B. Grassi, 74

From Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 9.30 am

Free test. National Health Service Subscription required.

EasyTest initiative

Get free and anonymous quick test and medical counselling for HIV and HCV in different locations and times.

Consult the EasyTest webpage for the test schedule,

About STDs


Sexually transmitted Diseases (StDs) are caused by bacteria, viruses, funghi or parasites that are transmitted from one person to another during unprotected sexual encounters.