Identity card

The Electronic Identity Card (CIE) is the identity document of the Italian citizens issued by the Ministry of the Interior and produced by the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato. Thanks to its highly advanced security and anti-counterfeiting features, it grants the holder’s identity verification and the access to online services of Public Administrations both in Italy and in EU countries (see the list).
Besides establishing the holder’s identity, the CIE is also equipped with an electronic component which adopts the most advanced technologies available and thus represents the digital identity of citizens.
In compliance with the EU legislation, the Electronic Identity Card (CIE) allows citizens for an easy and quick access to online services offered by the adhering providers through 3 authentication levels of increasing security:
- level 1: access with a pair of credentials (username and password);
- level 2: access with level 1 credentials and a temporary OTP code;
- level 3: a reader or an NFC-enabled smartphone to read the CIE is requested.
Find out more on level 1, level 2 and level 3.
Any citizen who is successfully registered as resident in Milano and in Italy, can apply and get an Italian ID card. Non-Italian citizens will get an ID marked as "not valid for crossing border".
It is possible to apply for an Electronic Identity Card at one’s Municipality of residence, in the case of Italian citizens residing abroad, at the competent Consulate.
Take an in-person appointment on the Municipality of Milano website.
- Choose the section "Prenota il tuo appuntamento" > "Rinnovo e nuova emissione" and then click on the link "Clicca e prenota l'appuntamento"
- Choose "Procedi senza registrazione", fill in the form with your details and email, you will get a confirmation email. Click on the verification link and you will get access to the booking platform.
- Choose the service "Carta di Identità elettronica" > "Sportello"
- Type your tax code and proceed to choose an available slot on the calendar.
- Provide your details and confirm twice. You will get the appointment confirmation.
On the day of your appointment, check in at the Registry front office with your appointment confirmation, the operator at the entrance will give you a call number in order to proceed to your counter.
You will need to provide:
- ID (such as Passport or EU ID)
- your Tax Code/Codice Fiscale certificate or card or your National health card/Tessera sanitaria,
- your Residence Permit card /Permesso di Soggiorno (or the expired card plus the receipt for the renewal, if applicable of course!)
- a passport-sized photo, white background.
Your fingerprints will be taken, encoded and stored securely on the card to certify that it belongs to you.
As a result, a document will be given to you, containing the first part of the card PIN and a receipt/temporary ID.
Processing and delivery of the card takes ten working days. You will have it delivered at home (you must pick it up in person or give the Anagrafe officer the name and ID copy of a delegate)... The receipt and a valid ID are needed to pick it up.
If the delivery fails, the card will return to the city registry office where you applied, usually in a month.
The CIE validity period varies according to the ID card holder’s age:
- 3 years for minors up to the age of 3;
- 5 years for minors aged between 3 and 18;
- 10 years for everyone else.
After that it must be renewed with the same procedure.
The cost for the ID card is 22,20 euro to be paid during the appointment in cash or card.
For more information about getting the Municipal ID Card, please consult the Municipality website.