International Masters in Sustainability Management

Business & Management Studies

  • Degree: Postgraduate
  • Language: English

The masters for the Sustainable Leaders of tomorrow. A lasting improvement in the economic performances of firms and countries can be achieved only if people and their dignity are protected, social welfare is enhanced, natural resources are managed efficiently and business ethics is promoted. Firms are at the origin of many of the technological, organizational, institutional innovations that maximize economic growth, social cohesion and environment conservation.. Concepts such as responsible business, social innovation, sustainable business models, industrial sustainability, resources efficiency and circularity, and the associated analytical and operational instruments, have an increasing weight in the School’s programs. We dive into solutions for sustainability at all levels of management. We investigate and teach how sustainability change corporate processes, supply chains, operations and technologies across different industries.
Starting from the 2021 intake, it will be possible to choose whether to join classes online or in person (if permitted). Please note that candidates need to choose the modality before the program starts.