International Medical School


  • Degree: Undergraduate
  • Language: English

The professional profile of our graduates is characterized by a sound scientific knowledge of diseases and diagnostic procedures, by a strong ethical structure, accountability, consciousness of his/her own limitations, understanding of culture diversity, capability to solve urgent health problems, and respect for each individual, regardless of his/her religion, values, race, sex or any other peculiarities.

Graduates are supposed to mature a strongly integrated approach to the patient, critically assessing the clinical as much as the relational aspects. During the course they acquire the educational, social and ethical aspects involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness, as well as the rehabilitation and recovery of the highest possible level of psychophysical well-being.

Our graduates are exposed to the content and methods of scientific research in the context of a translational training aimed at leading them in their lifelong learning and/or in their profession of biomedical scientists.