Regarding EHIC e s1 forms,the policies of different states vary. Here what they said to us:


Croatian authorities do not issue the S1 portability form to any unemployed person.
Such person, as well as student, while temporarily staying in another EU Member State, can use necessary health care on the basis of the European Health Insurance Card. Condition for issuing the EHIC is registration under compulsory health insurance with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund.
A procedure for issuing the EHIC is described on the link

Source: Croatian National Contact Point for Cross-border Health Care


France only issues European health insurance cards for students who are considered to be temporarily staying abroad if they are family members (up to the age of 20) or if they are insured on the basis of residence in France; the conditions for residence in France have fulfilled and if the student's source of income is from France.

On the other hand, if they are resident in the State in which they are studying, French social security is no longer effective. They must contact the local health insurance fund in the State where they are studying in order to find out the conditions and procedures for joining the local social security scheme either as a student or as a resident of that State.

Otherwise, they must subscribe to voluntary or private insurance to cover any medical expenses they may incur in the territory of the State where they are studying.

Source:Point de contact national soins transfrontaliers



According to paragraph 8, of the decision no s1, of 12 June 2009, concerning the European Health Insurance Card, of the Administrative Commission for the Coordination of Social Security Systems: “The European Health Insurance Card can be used in all situations of temporary stay during which an insured person requires benefits in kind irrespective the purpose of the stay, be it for reasons of tourism, professional activity or study” and the expected length of stay should be taken into account when deciding which benefits should be provided.

Therefore, we consider that students are fully covered by the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), for sickness benefits in kind which become medically necessary during the temporary stay of the student in another member state.

Based on the above, the S1 form is not issued to students. Students should be covered with their EHIC for sickness benefits in kind which become medically necessary during their studies.

Source: Ministry of Health


S1 documents are not given to students. S1 documents are given to employees/self employed who are current linked to the Irish social security system either paying in a contribution weekly or receiving a weekly benefit payment from the system while in another EU State.

Regarding European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). please see the link below which has all the relevant information on the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). , there you will find policy and the procedure for getting European Health Insurance Card in Ireland. Students are considered an exception to the general rule and may be considered a visitor on a short-term stay up to a full academic year.

The Overseas office does not issue EHIC cards.

Source: *: I HSE I Overseas Section


Students and researchers who move to another EU or EEA country or Switzerland are entitled to medically necessary treatment if they have a European Health Insurance Card. Finland doesn’t issue S1 documents for students or researchers because they are seen as living permanently in Finland and not in the country of study.

For the policy and procedure of applying for the European health insurance card, check the website Order the European Health Insurance Card -


Source: Group for Cross-Border Health Care Legal Affairs Unit / Centre of Expertise in International Affairs The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela)


NEAK do not issue form S1 for students. If they are students according to Hungarian legislation, they are entitled to EHIC.

Source: NEAK international department


I you follow this lenk you will find information in english for Norwegian student abroad.


It´s different in every case, it depends on the circumstances if a person is entitled to form S1. If a student want to apply for S1 they have to contact Försäkringskassan.

Not all people in Sweden have EHIC by default. To get EHIC the person has to contact Försäkringskassan. Website 

 for information about students studying abroad.

Source: Avdelningen för nationell tandvård, internationell vård och arbetsmarknadsstöd (NA) / International Healtcare


In accordance with the European legislation (including decision S1 from the European Commission), students abroad do not need an S1 form. All they need is a valid European Health Insurance Card.

Those cards can be requested here :

Source: Caisse nationale de santé

Czech Republic

The Czech health isurance funds do not issue the S1 forms to students. However, there is a possibility to issue the S1 form to the posted researchers under the condition that they have the A1 form and their posting is for a period longer than 1 year. In other cases is their entitlement, as well as the entitlement of students, limited to the necessary care under the European Health Insurance Card.

The European Health Insurance Card is used as the national health insurance card in Czechia. It means that this card is automatically issued to every person insured in the Czech public health insurance scheme.


Source: Kancelář zdravotního pojištění I Health Insurance Bureau


With the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) persons who are insured in aother Member States of the UE, EEE or Switzerland are entitled to all benefits in kind which become necessary on medical grounds during their stay (see art. 19 Regulation CE n° 883/2004). This entitlement is proved by the EHIC.

Most students from Germany and probably other Member States studies only temporarily in Italy and are moving back to their home countries after have finished their studies. Therefore most statutory German health funds only issue the EHIC to them and not the form S1. It is very rare that form S1 is issued. This could for example be the case if a person had already his centre of life in Italy before studying or where it is foreseeable that after the studies the student will stay permanently in Italy.

Source: National Contact Point for Cross-border healthcare


The S1 form is a joint document for all European Union, European Economic Area countries and Switzerland Confederation that confirms the rights of citizens to receive state-funded healthcare services to the same extent that it has secured the country's population. This form can be obtained in cases when:

·         if a person pursues an activity as an employed or self-employed person in Latvia but resides in another Member State;

·         unemployed person wishing to go to another Member State in search of work and holding a valid U2 form “Retention of entitlement to unemployment benefits”;

·         posted worker (including self-employed person) - if the person works for a Latvian employer or is self-employed, but is temporarily posted to perform his / her job duties in another Member State;

·         if a person receives a pension from the Republic of Latvia but resides in another Member State;

·         a family member (spouse; person under guardianship or trusteeship) who is employed or self-employed in Latvia or a pension recipient who is dependent on this person.


However, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is a document which certifies that a person is a resident of an EU, EEA Member State or Switzerland and is insured in his / her own country. When staying temporarily in another Member State, the EHIC shall certify the right to receive the necessary or urgent medical care in the same amount as it provides to the population of that State.


Emergency and necessary medical care is provided by medical institutions and doctors providing state-guaranteed health care services in the respective country. The extent and nature of this condition will be assessed by the attending physician in each situation, considering the individual's state of health and expected length of stay. Before receiving a health care service, you must check with your health care provider or doctor to determine whether the EHIC will be accepted at that institution.


Opportunities for receiving the EHIC:

●       By post, by filling in an electronic form on   or

Log in to the EHealth Portal at  (section Citizen / Family doctor and EHIC / My EHIC) and fill out the application form or use the  e-service Apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The EHIC will be sent by mail to the address indicated in the application.

●       By post, including the application form by post

By filling in and signing the application form, which must be sent in an envelope to the National Health Service. The EHIC will be sent by mail to the address indicated in the application. Application form in English will be attached to this e-mail.

●       By post, using the “e-signature” application form

By electronically filling in the application form and signing it with a secure electronic signature, which should be sent to . The EHIC will be sent by mail to the address indicated in the application. More about applying "e-signature" - .


                For more information You can call the NHS free customer service phone number 8000 1234 or 67045005 (working hours: Monday to Thursday from 8.30 to 17.00, but on Fridays from 8.30 until 15.00).


Source: Nacionālais veselības dienests


Estonian Health Insurance Fund is not giving out S1 form for students and researchers from Estonia.

Information about getting a EHIC card is available on following link:

More information for students is on following link:

We recommend that you order a European Health Insurance Card in advance before your trip. You can order a European Health Insurance Card can if your health insurance with EHIF is valid for at least another three months.

Source:Eesti Haigekassa


Only border workers and pensioners can apply for the S1 document at the CAK. Students from the Netherlands should contact the Dutch health insurer.

Voor meer informatie verwijzen wij u naar de website:

Source: CAK


As the choice to go for studies to any foreign country is a private decision, and the conditions under the Belgian Legislation are differing in accordance with the personal quality under which the person can stay or not an obligatory insured at charge of Belgium, it is the sole task of the Belgian Health Insurance Fund of the choice of the individual persons, to verify whether a form S1 type S072, either the European Health Insurance Card can be emitted. It is also possible that the insurability ends when the person goes to Italy as a researcher or student.

Source: Dienst Geneeskundige Verzorging


the S1 form for being able to ask for enrolment in Italian NHS free of charge can be requested only by students that are officially enrolled in a Romanian university, but temporarily going to another country through programs such as Erasmus or other student exchange. They can ask it from the National Health Insurance Service which is called “Casa Nationala de Asigurări în Sănătate - CNAS”. If that is not the case, and the student is fully enrolled in a university abroad, Romania does not provide him with health insurance, and he should sign up for the insurance that the host country offers.

Source Casa Naţională de Asigurări de Sănătate