Are you a student in Milano and need medical advice? You are in the right place! We've got something for you!
And if you need to talk with a specialist doctor, with CDI Telehealth service and the SaluberMD platform you can have quick and easy access to medical care.

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CDI Telehealth Deal

By registering for the CDI Telehealth service, you receive:

  •  Subscription to the SaluberMD platform, including personal medical record, digital reminders, integration with iOS Health App, wellness data management.
  •  Virtual visit for €50 (includes post-visit referral and prescription for drugs or follow-up examinations if the doctor deems it necessary). Please, consult the full list of medical specialties.
  •  Possibility to book exams and visits in the CDI centers at special prices for YesMilano students.

To access CDI Telehealth service, fill in the registration form and download the App.

You will then receive an email with credentials to access the SaluberMD App.

Do you have any questions? Check our FAQ


Did you know that from the age of 18 to 25 many people face major tensions? The challenges of adult life, academic commitment, and leaving the family and home country can be delicate transitions. It is an age when it is important to seek help if one experiences psychological struggles.

An online consultation, which is a faster and smarter alternative to an in-person visit, can help in getting prompt counseling.

CDI telehealth medical team counts on English and Italian-speaking psychologists.



For young adults, it is crucial to establish check-up routines and habits that protect long-term health: in nutrition, sporting activity, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, and avoidance of smoking and addictions.

Ask a professional for advice on how to take care of yourself.

Dermatology, gynecology, urology, general medicine, orthopedics, physiatry, otorhinolaryngology, and psychology are the first specialties to be activated, with the CDI specialists providing their expertise in Italian and English.


These infections are caused by germs that can be acquired or transmitted through sexual intercourse. If not diagnosed and treated properly, they can cause major consequences for the male and female genital system and impair future fertility. Timely diagnosis and treatment are essential to limit the spread of infection. The most frequently reported STD in Europe is chlamydia: it often goes undiagnosed due to few or no symptoms. Ask for a doctor's assessment and get tested regularly.

CDI Telehealth platform allows you to create a personal medical record, enter and store your latest tests and medical information, downloadable reports, and prescriptions, along with digital reminders to take your medication, exercise, or measure your health parameters.

All information is private and accessible only by you and the doctor you allow access to.


Physical activity is essential to increase energy expenditure and promote good muscle tone at the expense of fat mass. Ideally, choose a planned activity, such as gymnastics, swimming, Pilates, or dancing. But if this is not possible for the time being, at least make your lifestyle more active: use the stairs instead of the lift, if you use public transport get off one stop before your own and walk the last stretch.

If you want to lose weight, the main point is to learn to manage the nutritional intake: get assessed and start to set up a balanced diet with a call with an expert. When you hang off the call on the CDI telehealth platform, you can get ready for your Pilates session.


The World Health Organization warns that over a billion young people are at risk of hearing loss due to frequent exposure to loud sounds, such as in nightclubs or with high-volume personal audio devices. Hearing loss is irreversible and can cause emotional and cognitive issues, increasing the risk of depression, isolation, and cognitive decline throughout life. The onset of tinnitus is a warning sign and should prompt you to seek the opinion of an otolaryngologist.