If you are holding a valid study residence permit you are allowed to work in Italy for max. 20 hours per week (up to max.1040 hours per year).
During the time of your studies, we wish Milano's appeal as working destination convinced you to settle in the city also as a young professional. After graduation, if you want to remain in Italy after the expiration of your study permit, or you get a full time occupation, you will need to convert it into a permit for employment or self-employment.
Students already holding a Study residence permit are not subject to “Decreto Flussi” quotas (a maximum number of work permits that can be issued annually for each business sector, stated annually by law decree) . Therefore, if you hold a Student residence permit and a job or job proposal, or open a self-employed business, you can apply at any time regardless of the quota limitation.
Source: integrazionemigranti.gov.it
- Step 1: Request your SPID code or ID card (Residence in Italy required)
- Step 2: Access with your spid , fill in and submit an online application through the Ministry of the Interior website application platform and follow the instructions. The application platform gathers in one, digital place all the forms you need to fill in in order to apply. You can also save the work on the platform and resume it in a later moment, e.g. to retrieve a document.
- Alternatively, ask a Patronato to fill out your papers
- Holding a valid residence permit for study. The residence permit must be valid and not expired at the moment of the application.
- Being regularly enrolled at the City Registry as resident (certificate of residence or receipt of application with protocol number in a Municipality in the provinces of Milano or Monza and Brianza).
- Holding proof of job proposal OR the proof of enrollment at professional registries/nulla osta for self-employment issued by the Chamber of Commerce; OR a not-subordinate contract of collaboration.
- Proving your economic coverage (bank account deposit > 8,500.00 euro).
If you hold an accredited undergraduate/graduate degree, Ph.D., university “master”, first/second level academic degree, Higher Technical Institute diploma:
- Register as unemployed (see below the DID paragraph)
- Apply for a permit for the purpose of job searching or entrepreneurship (Permesso di soggiorno per ricerca lavoro o imprenditorialita‘ degli studenti) using the usual "yellow" residence permit application kit available at post offices.
The process is similar to applying for renewal of the Residence Permit for study reasons, with some variants.
This kind of permit allows students to legally live in Italy after their graduation while searching for a job/start a business for max 1 year. You must get a job by that time, and apply for nulla osta (see above) before the permit expires. It is not possible to extend this kind of permit.
Tip: ask a Patronato to fill out your papers
DID Dichiarazione di immediata disponibilità al lavoro is the declaration of immediate availability to find a job, made by an unemployed person or by a worker at risk of unemployment (fired person who is in the notice period)
You can register your availability to work online (self-service) or via e-mail (operator assisted)
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