The documents a student needs to provide in order to sign a tenancy contract are:
x EU student:
- Tax code* (codice fiscale)
- An identity document
x Not- EU student:
- Tax code* (codice fiscale)
- An identity document (Passport)
- The residence permit (or, if you don't have it at the moment of signing the tenancy contract, the visa or the entry stamp also do)
For Not-EU students, the landlord, within 48 hours from the handover of the flat, has the duty of communicating to the local police station that the foreign student is living there.
A message from the Agenzia della Entrate (Italian Revenue Agency): Several students report difficulties in getting the Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) ahead of the lease. However Agenzia delle Entrate has ruled that the Tax Code is NOT necessary to register your contract. You can show your landlord the official statement saying so:
Here another reference from the professional press.