The first and foremost thing you should do you come to Milano is finding a home - or a room to rent. Here you can find all the information, tips and recommendations about renting a home in Milano, as well as the most common types of tenancy agreements and how do they work.
Last updated: 27/07/2023
When renting a home, check the cadastral category, it must be for residential purpose, no other ones.
Some information can be crucial to make up your decision.
The landlord has some rights that you should be aware of. But they aren't unlimited.
As landlords, tenants have rights as well. Know them in advance.
Students can benefit from a special temporary tenance contract especially made up for them.
A widely used contract.The landlord can freely sets the price.
Taxes must be paid, also on rents: who pays, and how?
Get ready with all relevant documents at hand. Renting an apartment in Italy can require some paperwork, as owners are super careful to protect themselves as they rent their spaces out. It’s a good idea to have your agent or broker take care of it for you.
Contracts must be registered at the Revenue Agency(Agenzia delle Entrate). We explain you how and what are the deadlines.
When paying the rent, it is advisable to get a receipt, much better, to use a traceable method of payment.
Looking for an apartment with the help of a Real Estate Agencies might be helpful, but carefully choose one.
How much should be the safety deposit to give to the landlord? How does it work?
What should you do if the co-holder of the lease leaves without being immediately replaced by a another lease co-holder?
What to do if a new flatmate comes in?
The issue of joint liability in the payment of rents and expenses should be stressed, in addition to the issue of the return of the deposit: they are often the subject of litigation and cause difficulties for remaining tenants.
Let's see how to put everything in writing and register the variations with the Revenue Agency.
A list of other important terms for renting and their translation in English:
Appartamento in affitto = Apartment for rent
Contratto di affitto = Rental lease contract
Arredato = Furnished
Bilocale = One-bedroom apartment
Due camere da letto = Two-bedroom
Monolocale = Studio apartment
Servizi = Amenities
Utenze = Utilities
Here you can read more about residential leases to non-resident university students. This guide was written by the Chamber of Commerce of Milano, Monza Brianza and Lodi with the aim of making students who plan to stay in Milano for a certain period aware of all the options available to them and of the attention to be paid when signing a lease agreement.
Have you ever thought about going to live with an Italian family in Milano?
Among the alternatives to commercial rents, it’s possible to live in the home of a Milanese resident in exchange for a small reimbursement of common expenses.
The project Prendi in casa – Take Me Home by the association Meglio Milano is a Collaborative Living Project aimed at initiating cohabitations in a spirit of mutual solidarity between:
- A Milano resident (retiree, single adult, couple or family) who has an extra room in the home.
- A young student or worker looking for accommodation in the city.
Guests provide economic help and interesting company to hosts (within the boundaries of their own personal autonomy, of course) and, in exchange, get to enjoy their own accommodation in an actual Italian home, absorbing the culture of the city and learning the language effortlessly.
On the Cerco Alloggio platform, you can find additional options for Collaborative Living in the city and its metro area.
Milano Abitare - the accessible rental agency is a service of the Municipality of Milano managed by the social cooperatives Spazio Aperto Servizi and Libellula.
They take care providing assistance and information on accessible rental in Milano and in particular on the agreed rent instrument. The first information can be found on their website
Since they are an agency that deals with guidance and real estate brokerage in the field of controlled rental, they do not have direct management of housing, nor do they operate in the field of public housing services.
They can activate a search based on the needs of a person or a family unit, pointing out the next opportunities for social housing and cooperatives of inhabitants, or other possibilities of accessible rent.
If, on the other hand, the members of Milano Abitare intend to propose the stipulation of an agreed rent contract to an owner and need support, they can help them by providing users with the necessary information or users can put the property in contact with the agency.
For students seeking accommodation, it is necessary to register directly with the Cerco Casa orientation service via the following link. Registration is free and authorizes the agency to contact users in case of opportunities.
Please note that affordable rental opportunities are limited due to the growing demand. However, the service remains free and accessible to everyone, offering an additional option while searching for housing.
Tari / Tassa sui Rifiuti is the municipal waste tax that you have to pay if you own or use homes, premises, or open areas for any use. The Tari calculation is determined by the housing/real estate details and number of occupants.
Read the relevant section on the Municipality of Milano website.
Usually, the landlord pays the Tari and it is included in the expenses calculation. Landlords are always in charge of paying Tari for rents below 6 months. As a tenant, you are responsible as well for Tari: ask for a copy of the payment receipt for your records.
When you register or move your residence to Milano, the Municipality will send you a reminder to update the Tari database.
If the landlord pays Tari, you don't have to register. Get a copy of the Tari payment receipt for your records.
If you were the person in charge of Tari in the previous housing, remember to send the Cessazione (termination) communication for the previous home and declare the new occupation, if you will be the person who pays Tari.
Payment of the Tari may be made in a single payment (usually in December) or in two installments (usually in December and January)
The Tari payment notices will be available in the Citizen’s File on te Municipality website and sent to citizens via post usually between October and November.