The Residence is the status of a person settled for a medium/long-term period in the City of Milano.

When appointed, the residence is transferred from your city of origin to Milano, and it will be transferred again when you move to another city.

Once Resident in the City, you are also an Italian resident, and there are a number of benefits and processes you are eligible to, including some social security, parking permits for residents, the possibility to request the ID Card, the possibility of participating to the local referenda and, for EU citizens, the right to vote in local elections.

Being a resident is also a requirement for converting the residence permit from study to work reasons. It is also required to buy certain banking /credit products.

The City of Milano welcomes and supports International Students

You can book a one-to-one meeting with a member of the YesMilano team to get advice and support.

Sign up to  the YesMilano community below to get your appointment with us.

You will get the YesMilano Student Newsletter to keep up to date with our next aevents and webinars.

Documents required to apply for “Residenza” (all students):

• Scan of valid passport / EU ID

• Scan of BOTH SIDES of the valid residence permit, only if applicable (or scan of the expired

permit and scan of the receipt for the renewal)

• Scan of Tax code

• [Scan of Italian driving licence – if applicable]

• [Scan of the original documents, translated and legalized, proving the

marital status and the composition of the family – if applicable]


• Land registry coordinates of your accommodation (those three numbers

are usually stated on the contract, or to be asked to the owner, look for Foglio, Subalterno and Particella)



• In case of tenancy: Scan of rent contract. Number, place and date of registration

of the rent contract at the Revenue Agency (If available)



• In case of hospitality: scan of written declaration of consent by the host to take residence in their premises (here's the link to the form)  plus a scan of their ID -  (obtain the land registry coordinates from your host). It may happen that you're hosted in a social housing building, in that case, your host needs to get an authorisation from the administration for hosting you, or to provide proof that the apartment is no longer under a council housing scheme (privately owned or rented).

• Letter of consent from the residence or hosting facility to take residence in their premises, in headed paper, signed and stamped by , stating the type, address of the venue, your generalities and that you're allowed to take residence there .

Documents required to EU Students only (in addition to the above)

• Scan of a self-declaration to have sufficient economic means to self-sustain yourself (a form is available on the Municipality website, look for Dichiarazione di composizione della famiglia MOD EURO 1)

• Certificate of enrolment in the course of study (in Italian language, issued and endorsed by the University)

• Certificate of health insurance (valid for at least one year, covering all medical expenses, in Italian language) / proof of membership to the Italian Public Healthcare System (either the letter of enrolment or the health card)

Filling in the form

To apply for Residenza you can submit your application online via an all-digital process through an application platform.


Go on this website

Select the link: “Residenza per persone straniere che provengono dall’estero”.

You will land on an application platform and you will be able to register yourself (Click on “Registrati”). Just provide your name, surname (exactly as they appear on your ID) and e-mail address, click on the confirmation e-mail and you’re done!


Now you can access the application platform with your e-mail and password.

The platform is made of several tabs each one with a topic and is context-responsive (according to your answers, it will require the relevant data and documents.


You can even start filling in the application, save for later, and resume your work later on (e.g. if you have to retrieve or scan more data). Last but not least if some documents and data are not sufficient, the City Registry officers can allow you to integrate the documentation and information through the very same application form, so you don’t lose the previous work.


Once you confirm and save each tab of the application platform (Salva e Prosegui), you will be able to revise and confirm the whole application.

Download the application pdf; date and sign it graphically with the dedicated functionality of your pdf reader app (alternatively, print it out sign it, and scan in pdf format)

Upload the signed document along with a scan of your ID and submit it.

The YesMilano One-Stop Shop for students is available for guidance before filling in the form and for a double-check before you send it.


Fill in and complete the application form

The form is divided into different tabs, all linked to a topic:

1. Personal data

2. Where are you resident and where you live in Milano

3. Marital status and occupation

4. Italian driving license and Italian car license plate

5. Your contacts

6. Citizenship and residence permit status, upload all the relevant documentation

7. / 8. / 9. Data about relatives living with you in Milano

10. Cohabitating Milanese resident (e.g. host) and / or cohabitating partner


11. Entitlement to live in your accommodation (proof of lease, hospitality etc)

12. Privacy consent

13. Recap

14. Validate application

15. Submit

Help the city officials: tips

Place as much details as possible for Messo Comunale to visit you:

  • Scala (meaning which building inside a condo complex)
  • Piano - Floor
  • Interno (which apartment on the same floor)
  • Intercom number or name (provide the number to dial for the officer to call you or place your name if possible)
  • Name or number of your Mailbox: if the officer cannot meet you at home, they will leave a letter for you with a phone number to call.
  • If you have one, tell your building concierge a Messo Comunale officer will look for you.
  • Scan all documents in a clear way (easily readable, white background) and save them in individual pdf files. Avoid attaching photos and unclear scans of the documentation.
  • Provide all documentation in Italian language (except ID)
  • The One Stop Shop will be happy to set up an appointment to revise your application before sending it: write to

Registration Process

Here are the main steps after you submit your form:

1. After you submit the application, officers will revise it (they proceed to work applications in chronological order of submission)

2. If some information is missing or is insufficient or not readable the officers will send you a notification with an explanation of the changes to the application they require you to do.

3. You will be allowed to edit the application again. After you complete it with the correct information /documentation, you can confirm again each tab in the form, and repeat the submission process.

4. If all documentation is alright, the officer will send you a pdf letter, that is a receipt as confirmation of the start of the process, with a protocol number and a date. This is also the date of the start of your residency in Milano!

(Legal effects of your residency start from this date)

5. The administration takes 45 days to check on your requirements for residence and to home visit you.

6. An officer from the Municipality (Messo Comunale) will visit you at your residence to certify that you are actually living there. At the end of the process, you will be notified that your residence application has been successfully accepted.

7. Tip: help the officer inspection by providing an address as accurately as possible (stair number, floor) and making sure your name is on the intercom and mailbox. (see the box in the previous page)

8. Inspection can be done at any time during working days. If you are not at home, the officer will leave you a missed visit slip in the mailbox with a telephone number to call to complete the inspection.

9. If everything is fine, you will get no further communication except in case your residence is denied.

Duration of Residence

Residence has no expiration, and is valid until you move to another City.

It is your duty to apply for an update the City Registry records by 60 days in case of variations, namely:

• Each time you collect a new Residence Permit card

• Whenever you change address inside the City.

These can be done via an online form, very similar to the in-person application.

Residence certificate

You might need to get a residence certificate if required by some private or foreign subject (e.g. a bank when issuing a mortgage). You can do that by taking an in-person appointment at the City Registry by calling 02.02.02, (if you have SPID , you can get them from ANPR national registry platform)

If you stay in a student residence

you need a letter of endorsement

If you stay in a student dorm or a residence, you will need to get a letter of endorsement from the management, stating explicitly that you may take residence there.

Please note that it is their decision to give you this kind of endorsement letter, and most times it doesn't happen. Sometimes, the residence regulation states that you cannot take residence on their premises. 

Here below is an example of a letter: 


Da presentare in carta intestata della Residenza


Il/La sottoscritto/a ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. responsabile della Residenza sita a Milano in Via/P.zza  …………………………………………………………………………………………  civico ......

numero camera / appartamento ............


acconsente alla presentazione della richiesta di residenza nel suindicato immobile da parte del/la Signor/a

nome, cognome ……………………………………………………………………………………. 

nato/a a ……………………………………………………..

il ……………………………….. 

iscritta/o al corso di studi ..................................

presso l'Università/ Accademia ....................................


l'immobile / la camera è locata alla persona di cui sopra per dal… /...../ ….. /...../.......... salvo rinnovo.


Data Timbro e Firma della Residenza ………………………………………………..



 per presa visione 






Data Timbro e Firma dell'Università


Get in touch with the One Stop Shop to get the letter checked by the city registry and to know how to proceed with your application.