This week: Post-pandemic cities, the Olympic logo of Milano Cortina 2026, The fitness robot of Milano Polytechnic

Every week, three news items on the upcoming future of Milano and its metro community
The multifaceted journalist Simon Kuper (he writes very well about both football and political economy and many other issues) has written for the Financial Times a concise assessment of the debate that has been stirring the minds of sociologists, urban planners, city administrators for months: what will happen to the city after Covid?
Nobody is no longer ringing the death knell for the great European cities, which have survived worse pandemics and thrived afterwards, however a spatial redistribution of its primary functions seems inevitable in the next decade.
The office will be rotational and commuting will be less important than before, so residential and cultural functions will gain space at the expense of commercial uses.
Cities like Paris and Berlin will become less dense, greener and with more proximity services, just what Milan has set out to do in the next five years.
There are only 5 years to go for the Milan Cortina Winter Olympics.
The places where the ceremonies will take place in Milan (opening at San Siro Stadium, medals in Piazza Duomo) have already been identified, as well as the sites where the Olympic Village and the Hockey Arena will be built (Scalo Romana and Rogoredo, respectively).
Now the official logo needs to be chosen to market this world sporting event in Italy and abroad and to attract tourists and fans of ski, snowboard, hockey, skating and other winter sports from all over the world.
It is Internet users that are doing it in a competition open to all voters who will determine the winner between the two logos remaining in the race: either the Dice or the Finger Draw, both produced by Milanese designers of the Landor & Fitch studio.
The 2026 Olympics in Milano and Cortina will the first to undergo demanding standards of environmental sustainability in the history of the Games.
The Polihub of the Politecnico di Milano has seen the creation of a fitness robot operating according to the artificial intelligence instructions programmed by a team of graduating students of the Poli of Milan and Turin, who wrote personal coaching software for the android Pepper, developed in Japan since 2014 to help travelers and diners in airports and restaurants.
Now Pepper, adapted for the purpose, will act as an instructor for individual fitness exercises, as Corriere della Sera says: "He recognizes you, opens the profile with the history of your workouts, observes you while you do the free body exercises, models your posture, corrects you and at the end of the day gives you a report with the interim results. To develop this project, we have also involved experts in physical education and personal trainers».
A cheaper version for the market of personal consoles, rather than gyms, will be available starting next summer.