This week Zero, Netflix Afro-Italian series; Piola Square Sculpture Garden; All4Climate campaign launched; newsstands in Milano can now issue city certificates

This week, 3+1 news items on the upcoming future of Milano and its metro community.
You see the ads all over the Milanese subway, but the New York Times has also noticed it.
The first Italian series written and performed by Afro-Italians lands on Netflix on April 21st.
It was shot entirely in Milano last year, with the help of students of the Master in Series Development of the Civic School of Cinema, the municipal institution that has trained thousands of youngsters for the TV and movie industry, which collaborated with the Californian content platform and production company. It is a very important cultural event, because it ratifies a fact that has been self-evident to everyone, also abroad, e.g. the cover of Time magazine dedicated to Mario Balotelli in 2012.
Italy is a multiethnic country like the United States, a nation where you are Italian whether your parents are from Milano or Dakar (or both).
The series screenwriter, Antonio Dikele Distefano, is a 28 year-old from Busto Arsizio of Angolan origins.
In fact, the cast is in the majority composed by Italian blacks, as notes the long article devoted to the launch of the TV series by New York’s international newspaper.
The protagonist is Giuseppe Dave Seke, who plays the community superhero named Zero.
He lives in a peripheral neighborhood in Milano and has the power of invisibility.
In co-starring roles there are Herry Fall, Madior Fall, Virginia Diop, Beatrice Grannò, Dani Scattolin and Dylan Magon.
Part of the Città Studi neighborhood that hosts the Polytechnic and its students, Piola Square had hitherto been a large roundabout dominated by car traffic.
Now it’s been transformed into a zen garden containing two sculptures by the Milanese-Japanese artist Kengiro Azuma (1926-2016).
Twenty-one newly planted cherry trees that are already in bloom and mark a pedestrian path that winds through the center of the garden where the two statues are placed.
Milano’s latest urban green addition was made possible by the No'hma theater, founded by Teresa Pomodoro, who died in 2008.
The garden was inaugurated by the current director of the theater, the former justice Livia Pomodoro, who said, as reported by Repubblica: “I am particularly pleased to make this gift to the city of Milan, a city that my sister and I loved so much and gave us so much".
The All4Climate Italy 2021 campaign has just been launched by the Italian Ministry of the Environment with the launch of a new website and social media channels in English and Italian, ahead of the late September/ early October UN pre-summit on global warming, which will bring hundreds of young climate activists and aging ministerial delegates to Milano, for a week of events, meetings, discussions and debates.
In fact, the Pre-COP26 proper where ministers from all countries of the world will try to hammer out differences ahead of the Glasgow climate summit will be preceded by Youth4Climate, a landmark event bringing to Milano 400 young people aged 15-29 from all the 197 countries of the world that signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) from 28 to 30 September 2021, to participate in working groups with other climate activists and develop actual proposals for decarbonization of the economy that will be presented to the Ministers attending the Pre-COP26.
As announced last week, we will devote this and next four issues of YesMilano Wire to benchmark projects for the digital transformation of Milano backed by the city department for innovation.
This week we’ll talk about Connected Newsstands.
In Milano, like in other contemporary cities, consumption of printed newspapers and magazines has decreased, putting pressure on the number of news vendors operating in the Milanese urban area.
The Municipality of Milan, on the trail of a pilot initiative developed for Expo 2015, has turned many news kiosks in physical hubs for online services to the citizenry.
Traditional newsstands around the city can now issue official vital records such as birth, death, residency and marriage certificates, something that before you could only do online or by going in person to the municipal offices of the Registry.
The Municipality reorganized all the city records and conducted research on most frequent requests to the Registry, as well as on which newsstands are already points of reference for Milano’s various neighborhoods.
In fact, newsstands have an important public value because they are seen as trustworthy information points and are within easy reach for all residents, especially the aged and vulnerable.