Fabbrica del Vapore
Exhibitions, shows, workshops in a former industrial space

Fabbrica del Vapore is a place of cultural aggregation, dedicated mainly to young people, capable of hosting large exhibitions and giving space to new forms of art and new talents.
A hub that has increasingly become a point of reference for international citizens and tourists, thanks to a programme of activities that comes from a synthesis between the direct management initiatives, the opportunities created by the different residents who live in its spaces and an organized schedule from third parties who choose it to convey their contents in collaboration with the Municipality of Milano.
The peculiarity of Fabbrica del Vapore is also given by the architectural typology: the company Carminati Toselli & C., a historical industrial space of the early twentieth century in which trams were produced, has been transformed into a dynamic and original place where moments of cultural fruition are created. The entire area is about 30,000 square meters, of which 7,000 are intended for projects of resident associations and as many as exhibitions, shows and related services.
Following a public announcement, some rooms dedicated to the Spazi al Talento project were assigned for a three-year concession, aimed at promoting youth creativity in the visual, performing, audiovisual-multimedia arts.
Today the activities that animate the spaces of Fabbrica del Vapore are Studio Azzurro Produzioni s.r.l., Ariella Vidach Aiep / DiDstudio, Mostrami Factory, The Art Land, V&A – Vento & Associati, Careof, Contemporary Music Hub Milano, Ramaya Productions, Lotto 15/Archivio Viafarini, Macchinazioni teatrali, Fattoria Vittadini, Fondazione Milano Scuole Civiche.
Highlighting the historical significance of the place, prominently displayed and recently restored decorations on the exteriors of the oldest buildings illustrate the earlier industrial activities: in addition to chains, connecting rods, and bolts, the iconography of the original decorative scheme also includes the bumpers and shock absorbers of the characteristic Milanese streetcars.

Opening times:
Open to the public according to the schedules of the various structures and events

Ticket information:
Free entry

Public transport:
Line green M2 stop Garibaldi
Line lilac M5 stop Cenisio
For more information on the accessibility of this place visit the dedicated page