MIC - Interactive Cinema Museum

From the legendary reels of the pioneering Lumiere Brothers to the most contemporary and innovative 3D and 4D techniques, the MIC - Interactive Cinema Museum - is the first museum in Italy where the spectator actually becomes part of the show!
Visitors can delve into the backstage of cinema history to discover its fascinating secrets and learn in an enjoyable way. You can mix your own dubbing, play a movie, create a cinema poster and use all the AR devices and touchscreen apps available.
Alternatively, you can sit comfortably and test your cinematic skills through educational movies in the Cinema Hall or discover sets of films all shot in Milan that are now part of history.
But the fun doesn't end there. The Museum is home to the Historical Film Archive, one of the oldest and largest archives in Europe which houses over 35,000 titles in reels; they must be kept at a correct temperature (10 degrees) and a certain level of humidity.
Since April 2019 the Archive has thrown open its doors with the multimedia itinerary "Bella Milano! Journey with AR into the Historical Film Archive"; visitors are invited to wear Epson Moverio BT-350 smart glasses that bring images to life and then enter into a new and secret Milan by viewing film clips portraying various areas of the city from 1896 to the early 1960s.
The MIC is much loved by social media addicts and cinema fans alike because you can take selfies against backdrops of scenes from your fave films.

Opening times:
Tue - Sun: 15:00 - 19:00

Ticket information:
Reservation is compulsory
€ 6,50

Public transport:
Line lilac M5 - stop Bicocca
Line 52, 783 - stop Bicocca M5
Line 86, 172 - stop V.le Testi/Via S. Marcellina
Line 7, 31 - stop V.le Testi/Via S. Marcellina
