Bosco in città

Il parco di via Novara

Via Novara 390

There are the fairy tale woods of our imagination and there’s an equally enchanting woodland to be found in the city of Milan. BOSCOINCITTA is situated in via Novara, near the San Siro Stadium.

This public park has woods, meadows, waterways, wetlands and two hundred allotments for the city community - who cultivate them with pride - not to mention a pond, a water garden, an apiary and an orchard.

Visitors who enter this verdant landscape find refuge from the frenetic urban life as they immerse themselves in nature, in an environment that has actually been careful planned.

Starting from 1974, the Bosco was created on public land, granted by the Municipality, upon the initiative of the Italia Nostra environmental association and thanks to the collaboration of thousands of volunteers.

There are a number of running itineraries in the park to choose from or, if you prefer to relax the pace and enjoy a walk, the Boscoincittà Walk Group is held on Tuesday afternoons, suitable for all ages. Just register online and meetup at 14.30. For further information 

Another weekly outdoor activity is the Nordic Walking group who meet on Tuesday mornings from 09.30 to 11.00 - For further information 




The XV century San Roman farmstead, originally conceived as a stately home, is an organizational centre for agricultural and livestock activities.

It’s “Biblioteca verde”(Green Library) was created with the aim of collecting an archive of books, documents and articles relating to public green areas, the environment and agriculture.

If you want to discover other places for urban trekking



Public transport

Public transport:

M1 DE ANGELI + autobus 80

Tram 16 (fermata DE ANGELI) + autobus 80