The Tax Code / Fiscal code / Codice Fiscale is a code made of letters and numbers that identifies a person in public administration forms, in private contracts, and money transfers. It looks like this: MLNYSE17A41F205U

It is free to obtain, and it is valid for a lifetime. 

Fun Fact: a tax code is calculated on your surname (three letters), name (three letters), year, month, day and sex (five characters), place of birth, and a checksum letter. 

last updated: 28/08/2024


Get the Tax Code from an Italian Consular office

For all incoming students who are still in their home country, the Tax Code can be requested at the Consular services office at the nearest Italian Embassy or Consulate - unless the University can provide it. 

Usually, the request can be made through email by filling in an application form (see below how to fill it out correctly) and attaching the necessary documentation. The tax code certificate will be given the same way (via email). Be sure to double-check with your nearest Italian Consular services office which procedure they adopt (e.g. some consulates with a bigger volume of fiscal services have a department and a dedicated e-mail for that: if in doubt, use the general consular services contact). On the Embassy website, click on Servizi Consolari, click on servizi per cittadini stranieri and choose Codice Fiscale. 


Get the Tax Code from the Revenue Agency

For all incoming international students who are already physically in Italy, the tax code can be requested to the nearest Revenue Agency office. 
For Incoming International Students in the Milano area, the application will be done in person according to the following procedure: 

  1. Book an appointment on the Revenue Agency Website.
  2. Before your appointment, we recommend downloading the AA4/8 pdf application form and filling it out following the instructions (please see next paragraph).
  3. Print it out and sign it by pen (electronic signatures are not accepted).
  4. On the day of the appointment, remember to bring your application form, your ID or Passport and your visa and permit of stay (if applicable)

N.B. You do not have to arrive with the form already filled out and signed, they are also available at the office. But to save time, we recommend that you arrive prepared.  

How to book the appointment

from the Revenue Agency Website

  1. Book your appointment at a local office go on the Revenue Agency Website and select Per te stesso  (Book for yourself). 
  2. Mark Prima richiesta di attribuzione del codice fiscale (Request your tax code for the first time) 
  3. Fill out the form with your surname / cognome , name / nome and e-mail.  
  4. On the next step write Milano and proceed: you will see a list of the Revenue agency's local offices (Uffici territoriali) and the first available appointments for each (look at the ones in-person / In presenza only) 
  5. You can see where the 6 offices (Ufficio Territoriale Agenzia delle Entrate) in town are located on Maps. All are conveniently accessible via public transportation. 
  6. Choose one and click on In presenza and select the appointment slot more convenient to you.  
  7. As reason for your appointment / Motivo di richiesta appuntamento*: write: " YesMilano CF Studente internazionale ". Proceed by clicking Avanti 
  8. Solve the captcha and click Avanti 
  9. You will see the booking confirmation and receive a copy of it by e-mail.  

How to fill out the application form

Download the AA4/8 pdf application form and open it with a pdf reader (such as the free Adobe Acrobat DC) that allows you to fill it in. Alternatively, you can print it out and fill it in clear capital letters.  



  • Check the box “direct application for yourself” if you are applying for yourself. 
  • In the “Applicant Type Code” section, write the number that identifies you (01 for students). 
  • Check the box “Allocation of a Tax code” if you are requesting the Tax code for the first time. 
  • Check the box “Request for a Tax code” if you want to receive the Tax code card at your home address.  



  • Fill it out with your personal details (as they appear in your ID/Passport).
  • Date format dd/mm/yyyy. 



  • Place your address in Milano -if you already know it- which will act as your domicile for fiscal communications. If you do not have an address in Milano yet, leave it blank. N.B. You do not need to write anything in Area/Other. 



  • Fill it out with your address abroad. 


  • Write the date of the day you are filling the application form out (dd/mm/yyyy). 

How to check if your Tax Code is valid

A useful tool for checking the validity of Codice Fiscale

Although the tax code can be generated in a "formally correct" way by using unofficial online tools, only Tax codes issued by the Italian Revenue Agency/ Agenzia delle Entrate are valid by law. 

A tool is available on the Revenue Agency website to check its validity. 

Type your tax code in the Codice Fiscale field, solve the captcha and press the Invia button.  


If the output is CODICE FISCALE VALIDO, your tax code is official and valid. 

If the output is CODICE FISCALE NON VALIDO (and you did not misspell it), you need to apply for the valid one. 

Tax code is not mandatory for the registration of a Rent contract

A message from the Agenzia della Entrate (Italian Revenue Agency):

Numerous students have encountered obstacles in obtaining the Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) prior to signing a lease agreement. However, it's crucial to note that the Agenzia delle Entrate has clarified that the Tax Code is not a prerequisite for contract registration. This official stance can be effectively communicated to your landlord by presenting the corresponding official statement.

Here's another reference from the professional press.


1. What to do in case of incorrect data on the tax identification number card?


In case of incorrect data shown on the tax identification number card, a replacement must be required to any office of the Italian Revenue Agency, showing a valid identification document. 


2. What to do in case of loss or theft?


You can request a duplicate of the tax identification number by filling the request online. As an alternative, you can request it directly to a territorial office of the Italian Revenue Agency. 


3. What to do if the appointment as the Italian Revenue Agency for the tax code is in 2-3 weeks or more?


If the appointment is too far in the future, you can send an email to the Agenzia delle Entrate requesting the issuance of your tax code certificate. Attach to the email the AA4/8 pdf application form (see above the dedicated paragraph), ID or Passport + visa and residence permit (if applicable). Please find a list of the offices you can get in touch with: 


Ufficio territoriale Milano 3 email   
Ufficio territoriale Milano 4 email   
Ufficio territoriale Milano 5 email  
Ufficio Territoriale Milano 6 email  
Ufficio territoriale Milano 2 email   
Ufficio territoriale Milano 1 email  

Still have questions? Let us help.

If you still have questions or doubts about this administrative procedure or anything else related to living in Milano, you can always contact our International Student Desk 


Send us an email at 


We will be happy to answer all your questions!