The Borromeo Gulf is the most suggestive tourist area of Lake Maggiore, a vast body of water located between Italy and Switzerland. The landscape is breathtaking thanks to an enchanting and rare combination of art and nature.
Pretty villas with garden overlook on the opposite sides of Stresa and Pallanza (which are in Piedmont), while the Isole Borromee (Borromean Islands) are lying on the water. There are three: Isola Madre, Isola Bella and Isola dei Pescatori, to which one can add Isolino di San Giovanni (Islet of San Giovanni) and Scoglio della Malghera (Rock of Malghera). You can reach "the pearls of the lake" with boats departing from the city of Stresa.
Isola Madre is the largest of the Borromean Islands and certainly the most impressive for the absolute silence that reigns there. It is also famous for the flowering of azaleas, rhododendrons, camellias and for the exotic nature of its gardens: here you can admire the ancient wisteria pergolas and walk in a pristine environment. For this reason, if you have a green thumb or are simply keen on gardening, we recommend you to plan your visit during the spring season!
- The curious mosaic caves at the Baroque Palace on Isola Bella.
- A fish-based aperitivo on Isola dei Pescatori (Fishermen Island).
- The Isole Borromee were much loved by the writer Ernest Hemingway and are still among the Royals of England's favourite destinations.
- On Isola Madre, in front of Palazzo Borromeo, you can see a wonderful Kashmir cypress tree, more than 200 years old.